Adeptus Titanicus: The Euskallax Incursion - Part I Ticket

A ticket for Adeptus Titanicus: The Euskallax Incursion - Part IFull Rules Pack
Welcome Princeps!
To the first part of a three part narrative campaign for Adeptus Titanicus at Dice Saloon.
In this first foray into the war your legion will deploy their lighter titans and scout assets, seeking to gain the upper hand in the greater engine war to come.
In the following events the war will escalate, with larger engines deployed as the narrative builds towards its climax.
Players must use their tactical acumen to negotiate each stage of the war.
This is not a competitive event, but rather a chance for you to tell the story of your Legio’s involvement in the Euskallax campaign.
The event will use all Games Workshop rules publications, FAQs, and errata published up to two weeks ahead of the event.
Anything published after this date will not be used (subject to TO discretion).
If in doubt please ask.
We are aiming for a great all-round experience for everyone who takes part, so:
- Please bring fully painted, three colours and based, models to this event.
- It should be clear what all your models represent. Make them as weird and wonderful as possible. But make sure those weapons are differentiated and everything is as clear as possible for your opponents.
You are responsible for having the rules for your own army.
Please ensure you have official reference for all of your models and units etc.
Never be offended if someone wants to check a rule and be ready to present your book with a smile.
What you should bring:
- Your army models
- A copy of your army list
- Rules for your units
- The game rules
- Tape measure, dice, templates and tokens
- A notepad or paper and a pen (to write down stratagems and victory points, etc.)
- Glue! Sometimes your Enginseers need a hand keeping those Titans in working order...
While this is primarily a narrative event, getting goodies is always nice!
Prizes will be awarded for:
• Best Loyalist Princeps
• Best Traitor Princeps
• Best Loyalist Battlegroup
• Best Loyalist Battlegroup
As well as some special surprise prizes from our TO.
The best princeps of each faction will be determined by a smooth mixture of game wins and
soft scores, with an emphasis on sportsmanship.
Best battle group will be decided by peer vote following shortlist selection by the TOs.
Please come with fun in mind and we’re sure you’ll have a great time!
Please direct questions about this event to: