Age of Sigmar Path to Glory - Beginner Friendly! 06/03/25 Ticket

A ticket for Age of Sigmar Path to Glory - Beginner Friendly! 06/03/25Hail and well met Commander. Players of all skill levels are once again offered the opportunity to prove themselves on the Path To Glory! With the release of 4.0 we have the opportunity to take your collection of new recruits along various upgrade paths to mighty heroes and regiments of renown!
As always we are welcoming to all. If this would be your first interaction with wargaming or you have been playing and collecting for years we seek to offer an accessible and supportive environment to engage with this hobby. People will be avalible to teach you the ropes from scratch or organise pairings for confrontations.
If you are brand new and have no miniatures or otherwise the saloon has two armies ready and willing to play a game to help build your understanding of the games systems and mechanics.
If you are wanting to engage with the Path To Glory systems and the campaign we will be running you will need:
A collection of assembled miniatures to represent a 1000 point AOS 4.0 army. Painted minis are encouraged but not required. Your starting force should consist of One hero at or under 300 points to be your warlord. The other choices are up to you within the 1000 point limit. Named or unique units are discouraged.
Your faction battletome
Ten to twenty six sided dice
A tape measure marked in inches
A pad of paper and a writing implement of choice
These items are an excellent starting point but by no means exhaustive.
The event will take place between 18:00 - 22:00 on Thursday and will be occurring every fortnight. Individual battles are likely to take upwards of two hours depending on familiarity. People will be matched with opponents as they arrive, but you are neither expected or required to stay the whole evening. If there are any questions then please speak up on the Path to glory Dice Saloon Discord channel. Discord Link
As always we are welcoming to all. If this would be your first interaction with wargaming or you have been playing and collecting for years we seek to offer an accessible and supportive environment to engage with this hobby. People will be avalible to teach you the ropes from scratch or organise pairings for confrontations.
If you are brand new and have no miniatures or otherwise the saloon has two armies ready and willing to play a game to help build your understanding of the games systems and mechanics.
If you are wanting to engage with the Path To Glory systems and the campaign we will be running you will need:
A collection of assembled miniatures to represent a 1000 point AOS 4.0 army. Painted minis are encouraged but not required. Your starting force should consist of One hero at or under 300 points to be your warlord. The other choices are up to you within the 1000 point limit. Named or unique units are discouraged.
Your faction battletome
Ten to twenty six sided dice
A tape measure marked in inches
A pad of paper and a writing implement of choice
These items are an excellent starting point but by no means exhaustive.
The event will take place between 18:00 - 22:00 on Thursday and will be occurring every fortnight. Individual battles are likely to take upwards of two hours depending on familiarity. People will be matched with opponents as they arrive, but you are neither expected or required to stay the whole evening. If there are any questions then please speak up on the Path to glory Dice Saloon Discord channel. Discord Link