Adeptus Custodes: Allarus Custodians

Adeptus Custodes: Allarus Custodians
1 In Stock.


This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a 3-model squad of Allarus Custodians. You have the option to assemble 1 model as a Shield-Captain, using the specific shoulder pads, thigh plates, helmet plume and misericordia supplied, and 1 model can be assembled as a Vexilus Praetor, using the ornate vexilla in the kit. This kit comes as 73 components, and is supplied with 3 Citadel 40mm Round bases. 


Faction Adeptus Custodes,
Game System Warhammer 40,000,
Unit Type Elites,
Scale 28mm,
Finish Unpainted,
Material Plastic,
Category Science Fiction,
Product Type Miniature,
Model Count 3,
Class Paladin,
Race Human,