Blood Bowl - Spring Break 2025: Murder at Sorority Manor Ticket

A ticket for Blood Bowl - Spring Break 2025: Murder at Sorority ManorThe Team
TO: Amsel (@SaltySeaWench on NAF, discord etc)
The Venue
Dice Saloon is located in Brighton’s bustling London Road area, 15 minutes walk from Brighton train station, and well served by buses. If driving, London Road multi-storey carpark is the best place to park.
Here is the local parking information.
Here is the local parking information.
Dice Saloon has a great food and drink menu, and is licenced to serve alcohol as well. We’re happy for coaches to drink during the tournament, but reserve the right to disqualify anyone who behaves inappropriately (whether they have been drinking or not).
Dice Saloon is fully accessible, with space at tables for wheelchair access, although it can get a little noisy when busy. If you have any specific access needs that you would like to discuss, please contact the TO or the venue.
The Day
10:00 - 10.30 Registration
10.30 - 13.00 Round 1
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 16.30 Round 2
16.45 - 19.15 Round 3
19.30 - 20.00 Awards and Close
Rounds will have a strict 2.5 hours running time. Please be aware that due to some of the rules in effect, Time Out kickoff events that can increase the length of a match are more common and the additional round length is designed to accommodate this - so no excuses if you are running behind.
If, with an hour to go, you are not in the second half of the match, a TO will issue your table with a chess clock to ensure timekeeping. If your clock runs out of time you will only be allowed to set up players for a new drive before passing turn to your opponent.
You will need to bring with you your (ideally painted) team, legible dice and all appropriate tokens. Pitches will be provided.
30 places available
NAF sanctioning applied for. NAF membership is not required.
Team Values 1.16 million
Resurrection style tournament. Budget to be spent on players (min 11 before stars), sideline staff and inducements in advance, with additional skills added as below.
Available teams include all standard GW teams plus the optional NAF team roster for Slaan.
Teams to be registered at Tourplay by 15/03/25.
Here is a link to registration.
Here is a link to registration.
Registration at Tourplay does not guarantee a place until tickets have been bought from the venue
Skill Pack
Tier 1 - 4 Primaries
Tier 2 - 5 Primaries
Tier 3 - 6 Primaries
Tiers as per the main rulebook.
No Skill may be taken more than three times (this does not include the times the skill is present on rookie players, so an orc team with 3 blitzers would still be able to give block three times to big uns, for example)
0-3 Bottles of Heady Brew
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs
0-3 Bribes
0-1 Halfling Master chef
0-1 Halfling Hot Pot
0-2 Wandering Apothecaries
0-1 Riotous Rookies
0-1 Star Players (see below)
The following Star Players are available to be taken by teams that are normally able to hire them. If two teams drawn against each other are fielding the same Star Player then both teams will get to use that player. No other star players are available - they are too scared of the rampaging killers.
Helmut Wulf
Max Spleenripper
Nobbla Blackwart
Bryce ‘the Slice’ Cambuell
The Final Girl (see below)
The Final Girl (190k)
MA 7, ST 2, AG 2+, PA 5+, AV 8+
Skills: Dodge, Jump Up, Side Step, Dauntless, Fend, Loner (4+), Stab
Special Rule: Once per game, treat an injury roll made against this player as being a Stunned result.
Plays for: All Teams
Tournament Special Rules
‘One Last Scare…’: At the beginning of the second half, any Star Player with the Chainsaw Trait that is currently not in the reserves box for any reason is placed in the reserves box and available for play. (KO’d CAS or Sent Off.)
Win - 30 pts
Draw - 10 pts
Loss - 0pts
Bonus points available
Score 3 TDs - 1 pt
Cause 3 CAS - 1 pt
Clean sheet - 1 pt
The only CAS that will count are those that would normally earn SPP, e.g. blocking casualties, AND any casualty caused by a Star Player however they caused it (chainsaw, stab or foul).
Additionally, there will be a prize for the most casualties caused by a chainsaw star player, and the most caused by a Final Girl star player, so make sure to register those in Tourplay for your bonus points and chance to win prizes.
First Place
Runner Up
Most Chainsaw Casualties
Most Final Girl Casualties
Stunty Cup
Blood Bowl can be a passionate game, but coaches are always expected to respect their opponents, and to allow them to play the game their way. Enjoy the highs, despair at the lows, but never take your eye off the fact that this is a game.
Aggressive, abusive or insulting behaviour will not be tolerated, and we reserve the right to disqualify coaches who act in this manner.