Fate Core System

Fate Core System
1 In Stock.


Grab your plasma rifles, spell components, and jetpacks! Name your game; Fate Core is the foundation that can make it happen. Fate Core is a flexible system that can support whatever worlds you dream up. Have you always wanted to play a post-apocalyptic spaghetti western with tentacle monsters? Swords and sorcery in space? Wish there was a game based on your favorite series of books, film, or television, but it never happened? Fate Core is your answer.

Fate Core is a tabletop roleplaying game about proactive, capable people who lead dramatic lives. The type of drama they experience is up to you. But wherever they go, you can expect a fun storytelling experience full of twists…of fate.
Game Information

Number of players: 3-6
Age of players: 12+
Length: 2-8 hours
Type of Game: Roleplaying Game
Languages Available: English
Game Designers: Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard, Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin, Mike Olson


RPG Fate Core,
Genre Generic / Universal,
Category Core Rules (min needed to play),
Artist Andressa Comar, Davide Marescotti, Fillipe Ogg, Kurt Komoda, Lucas Reis, Sandra T. Messias,
Designer Brian Engard, Leonard Balsera, Mike Olson, Ryan Macklin,
Product Type Role-playing game,