Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition: Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica Maps and Miscellany

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition: Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica Maps and Miscellany

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Publisher's blurb:

This durable folder includes twenty cardstock sheets designed for use with dry-erase markers and pens, and includes:

 Seven double-sided color maps of Ravnica's Tenth District, with and without number tags, and including helpful quick-reference information about each district.

 Eleven double-sided black-and-white maps of adventure sites associated with Ravnica's guilds, with and without number tags, with helpful tables and reference on the back.

 Two perforated sheets of color Faces of Ravnica cards (eighteen cards total) you can use as random NPCs.


RPG Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition),
Genre Fantasy (High Fantasy),
Category Accessory (dice, maps, screens, cards),
Artist (Uncredited),
Designer (Uncredited),
Product Type Role-playing game,