Quest Game

Quest Game
4 In Stock.


In Quest, all will show their true colors as Good and Evil struggle for the future of civilization. Hidden amongst King Arthur’s loyal servants are Mordred’s unscrupulous minions. These forces of Evil are few in number, but if they go unknown, they can sabotage Arthur’s great quests.

Players are secretly dealt roles that determine if their allegiance is to Good or to Evil. Then, players debate, reason, and lie as they decide who to send on Quests—knowing that if just one minion of Mordred joins, the Quest could fail. Quest includes 25 different characters and many different ways to play the base game.

Quest also includes the Director's Cut, a personal recommendation from the designer about the preferred way to play Quest.


Min Players 4
Max Players 10
Min Playtime 30
Max Playtime 30
Age 14
Mechanic Hidden Roles, Memory, Roles with Asymmetric Information, Simultaneous Action Selection, Team-Based Game, Traitor Game, Variable Player Powers, Voting,
Category Bluffing, Card Game, Deduction, Fantasy, Medieval, Negotiation, Party Game, Spies/Secret Agents,
Artist Luis Francisco, Weberson Santiago,
Designer Don Eskridge,
Product Type Board game,