Terraforming Mars: Prelude 2

Terraforming Mars: Prelude 2
7 In Stock.


Terraforming Mars: Prelude 2, the sixth expansion for Terraforming Mars, focuses on cross-expansion effects, prelude cards with ongoing effects and actions, and more project cards for your tableau...not to mention five new corporations.

Most of the cards are specifically connected to other expansions of Terraforming Mars (Venus, Colonies, Turmoil), but the 5 Corporations and 15 of the Prelude cards are playable without any of these other expansions.

The Kickstarter Edition includes the Prelude 2 KS Promo Pack of 20 promo cards (Prelude, Corporation and Project cards).


Min Players 0
Max Players 0
Min Playtime 0
Max Playtime 0
Age 0
Mechanic Hand Management, Open Drafting, Tile Placement,
Category Economic, Environmental, Expansion for Base-game, Industry / Manufacturing, Science Fiction,
Artist Isaac Fryxelius, William Bricker,
Designer Jacob Fryxelius,
Product Type Board game,