The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying 5e

The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying 5e
3 In Stock.


Publisher's blurb:

Return to Middle-earth with The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying...Based on The One Ring (2nd Ed.), The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying contains everything you need to create exciting adventures set in the world’s most popular fantasy setting - six original heroic cultures from the land of Eriador, six new classes, a host of terrifying adversaries, and comprehensive rules for journeys, councils, wondrous artefacts, and the subtle magic of Middle-earth.


RPG The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying,
Genre Fantasy (High Fantasy),
Category Campaign Setting (game world), Core Rules (min needed to play),
Artist Alvaro Tapia, Antonio De Luca, Christian Granath, Dan Algstrand, Daniele Sorrentino, Federica Costantini, Francesco Nepitello, Giuditta Betti, Henrik Rosenborg, Jan Pospíšil, Luca Sotgiu, Martin Grip, Melissa Spandri, Michele Paroli, Niklas Brandt,
Designer Francesco Nepitello, Jacob Rodgers, James Spahn, Jason Durall, Michele Garbuggio,
Product Type Role-playing game,