Tuesday Night X-Wing 27/08/24 Ticket

A ticket for Tuesday Night X-Wing 27/08/24Come and join us for our regular Tuesday night X-Wing meetup. There are a lot of eager pilots ready to fight for the glory of the Galactic Empire & those vying for freedom with the Rebel Alliance. This is a friendly weekly play night. Visitors/inquisitive people are very much welcome so come down if you want to meet the community or just have a look around.
If you are totally new to the game bring along some ships and movement dials you own along with dice and measures. The regular group is super friendly and available for questions and possibly even able to run you through a game.
If you are totally new to the game bring along some ships and movement dials you own along with dice and measures. The regular group is super friendly and available for questions and possibly even able to run you through a game.