Unmatched: Sun's Origin

Unmatched: Sun's Origin

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Unmatched: Sun's Origin spotlights two heroes from the rich history of Japan.

Oda Nobunaga was the daimyo of the Oda clan, renowned for unifying feudal Japan. He is a master tactician, making his honor guard even more dangerous (and just so happens to be a powerhouse in Tales To Amaze).

Tomoe Gozen was a legendary onna-musha of the Minamoto clan. She strikes hard and fast, relentlessly pursuing her enemy across the battlefield.

The set features stunning artwork by Yuta Onoda, with cultural consultation by Saigo.


Min Players 2
Max Players 2
Min Playtime 20
Max Playtime 40
Age 9
Mechanic Action Points, Campaign / Battle Card Driven, Card Play Conflict Resolution, Hand Management, Line of Sight, Point to Point Movement, Variable Player Powers,
Category Card Game, Fighting, Miniatures,
Artist Yuta Onoda,
Designer Jason Viddal, Zack Mader,
Product Type Board game,